Instruction to Make the Most Use of Invisalign
Invisalign is a sheer blessing for everyone who has ever wished to have that beautiful groomed and aligned teeth. Invisalign being the most commonly used dental product today has given a major boost to redesigning our tooth structures and has helped us maintain that flawless-looking smile. For instance, if you are a panellist onboard leading certain meetings or seminars and you just have like two hours left for preparations. Guess what? You can even use this easy to go with dental care product and align your teeth just before going on to the field and can flaunt that amazing smile that has just got realigned with a product called Invisalign. Who even thought a plastic-designed mould could just fix all our tooth problems over a fraction of time?
But the real-time question here is, are you making the most use of Invisalign by following a certain set of Instructions that comes along? For Invisalign to support your teeth alignment, you need to support it too by following certain guidelines for getting the most benefits out of it. There is a famous saying, if you take care of things, the chances of it lasting long are increased.
Here are some insider tips from an Invisalign dentist in Reston on how to get the most out of the Invisalign treatment.
Secrets to Make the Most Use of Invisalign
Secret #1: How often should you be wearing your aligners?
As stated by Invisalign dentist Reston, for the most predictable and reliable result you should be wearing your aligners for 18–22hrs every day for 2 Weeks.
Secret #2: How to clean your aligners?
As recommended by Invisalign dentist Reston, set an alarm & always remember to clean your aligners, you can softly brush your aligners with a soft bristle toothbrush and apply some mild soapy water to wipe off the bacteria before you put them back on. Another thing you could do is, soak your aligners in a cup of water with a cleaning tablet.
Secret #3: Have you heard of the term IPR? Is it necessary during your Invisalign treatment?
IPR stands for Interproximal Reduction, it’s the process of polishing in between the teeth so that space is cleaned and moved in the desired direction. Top licensed expert dentists from Invisalign Fairfax VA, recommends this initial process for proper fitting and comfortable grip.
Secret #4: Can you drink tea or coffee or eat with aligners on?
Both coffee and tea will stain your aligners and your teeth so it’s best to remove them before you drink or even eat anything. However, lighter-coloured tea with no added sugar and much on a milder temperature can be preferred also, you can use a straw.
Secret #5: Ways to keep your aligners safe?
To keep them safe, you need to do is always keep your aligners in their case especially when you’re not wearing them. Also, please do not wrap your aligners in a napkin, someone might think it’s garbage and throw it away.
Secret #6: Process of replacing aligners?
Every time you change to a new aligner remember to keep your previous aligner so if you ever need to order or replace aligners you will be wearing your previous set of aligners and by this, the gap of not wearing aligners till the new one arrives will be less. Please call your orthodontist and check up on the new set of aligners.